Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'll Be Gone

And now theres only mountain tops with a dim rustic glow,
I sit upon them looking out and down below.
I look to find a heaven yet nothing ever shows,
my burden gets no better with my thoughts that slowly grow.
I'm hoping to stay away from going down that lonely road,
but the thought alone excites me although I do not know,
what really happens at the end I fear my hopes
will soon outgrow the dreams I dreampt and when I find out lll be gone.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Is it poetry when there is no rythm? Is it only when words create a perfect picture? Whatever it is its not only one particular reason cause without a doubt what I deliver always pictures a rythm and a beat a melody a serenade of sweet whispering. Divine, the words ripple from my mouth as I speak slowly pushing air out through the lungs I breathe, my breath is short from singing symphonies, notes they float around ur head raising from the ground. You connect, in that one instant you feel how powerful music is to your ears so bow down, be quiet, I'm singing here.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®